Thursday, January 19, 2006


A GREAT wind blowing, raging sea,
And rowers toiling wearily,
Far from the land where they would be.

And then One coming, drawing nigh;
They care not now for starless sky.
The Light of life says It is I.

They care not now for toil of oar,
For lo, the ship is at the shore,
And their Beloved they adore.

Lord of the Lake of Galilee,
Who long ago walked on the sea,
My heart is comforted in Thee.

-Amy Carmichael

I often find myself ill-equipped for the task at hand. This can easily bring discouragement. Yet when I hear Him "who long ago walked on the sea" call me to follow Him into whatever task He has put before me, my heart is comforted. For I know that if He is with me there is nothing to fear. Truly, His grace is sufficient for me. And He is faithful to teach me all I need to know, in order to perform the task well.

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